Transforming Diverse Industries

With Battery-Buffered DC Fast Charging Solutions

At Jule, we take pride in delivering innovative battery-powered DC fast charging solutions that cater to a wide range of industries. Our mission is to transform the way businesses view and deploy charging infrastructure, enhancing customer experience and providing communities with greater resiliency.

Jule's CCS and CHAdeMO charging holsters


Revolutionize Retail Electrification, by Unleashing Microgrid Capabilities

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Person tapping their credit card on Jule's payment system.


Drive EV Adoption at your Dealership without the Delays and Make-Ready Costs

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Jule's lighten up logo at the top of the chargers next to its lighting system.


Elevate Guest Experience with a Hassle-Free Fast Charging Solution

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Jule's lighten up logo at the top of the chargers next to its lighting system.

Fuel & Rest Stop

 Powering Fuel & Rest Stops by Ensuring Availability, Speed, and Flexibility

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Discover how our solution can benefit your retail business. Schedule a time today.

Electric vehicle parked at a Jule ev charging station.