Make your business location(s) more attractive to customers, increase foot traffic and boost revenue by providing much needed EV fast charging stations.
Save up to $1M in CAPEX and $200k in OPEX with our technology all while providing your business with an uninterruptible supply of power during outages.
Leverage the various government programs that currently exist to electrify your business while we work with you to cover the remaining hardware, installation and service costs.
Discover EV charging benefits for retail property owners and how it contributes to sustainability, revenue streams and customer satisfaction.
Download the E-BookGenerate up to 350 kW of DC fast charging power from as little as 5kW from the grid.
Provided Industry Leading Charging Speeds
Increase Customer Satisfaction
Build Customer Loyalty
Upgrade your site’s electrical infrastructure without the significant installation cost, all while lowering your utility bill and increasing your resiliency.
Optimize your building’s energy distribution
Gain a stable energy supply
Future-proof your site
Use the already available power at your site to continuously store energy in the Jule Hub during the times of day utility costs are low.
Tap into the energy you are storing to amplify the available power and fast charge multiple EVs at 350 kW each.
Save significantly on your operational costs by powering your facility through the Jule Hub during times of day utility costs are high.
Gain the ability to participate in demand response programs to earn revenue by redistributing energy back into the grid from the Jule Hub when it is most needed.